Please keep the diary going. It's enjoyable and educational.
A few days ago I saw a couple of guys I recognised as dubs out on FS. The young man (college age) I've spoken to before. He is, no doubt, intelligent and was clearly uncomfortable trying to defend the 'Adam' concept. He was accompanied by a late middle-aged guy who looked worn-down, a beige wind-cheater (? an elder?). Neither looked happy and I happen to know that the door they were knocking on was the house of an immigrant family - they are muslims. Not much chance there, and as they knocked the rain started to fall like stair rods. My overwhelming thought was 'poor buggers'.
I've noticed an increase in FS locally. I wonder if this is connected with the fact that the mormons have recently started to build a new 'temple' locally.
Does anyone know, or can comment on, when one 'American sect' (cross-threading here!) shows up and seems to be doing well do other competing sects (cults) put on a special effort?